Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Proposed renewable energy and agriculture research site in Fukushima

This is an article I translated from Asahi. I am going to be not cool on my blog and start posting translations of stories I come across. These are by no means official or free of flaws.

Here is the link to the Japanese:

Here is the English:
A plan to make Nishigo-mura and Shimogou-chou in southern Fukushima Prefecture into a research and development base by 20 companies including Toshiba and Panasonic in order to research fields such as renewable/green energy,  agriculture, and social welfare etc. has been made public.  The goal of this plan is to bring economic recovery to the  troubled Fukushima prefecture by introducing and supporting new businesses in the area.

Both towns are advancing the plan which uses 50-100 hectares of  government land in Nishigo-mura as the primary site. If the  no-interest loan purchase of the land is accepted maintenance work will begin within the year. Also, both towns have begun  applying for status as a "special reconstruction area" within the year.

If the area recieves that designation, it will get favorable  treatment in the form of tax reductions and relaxation of  certain regulations.The area is near the Tohoku Shirokawa Interchange, Shin-Shirokawa Shinkansen Station and has good  access to Tokyo. According to AT Kearney Consulting, who are promoting the plan, approximately 20 companies have expressed their intention to take part in the plan.

End Translation

Here is a translation of some of the stuff on the map in the article:

The area shaded in red is the proposed area.

Involved fields and companies:
Renewable energy - Toshiba
(I am not sure what the technical term for it is) Indoor Agriculture/Farming - Marubeni, Spread?
Logistics/Transportation Center - Kokubu
介護、福祉、観光 (パナソニック、ニチイ学館、セントケア)
Nursing/Care, Social Welfare, Tourism - Panasonic, Nichii Gakkan, Saint Care
City Infrastructure, Finance (East Japan NTT, Arup)
Facilities Management

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